คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้ ตอน Sharing Loving Kindness การแผ่เมตตา
คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้เกี่ยวกับ Sharing Loving Kindness การแผ่เมตตา
The Medical Funds and the Kathina Seminar 2012
Call for ban on animal killing fair
Dhamma For People :- A true friend can sacrifice his life for you
The good story about true friend who can sacrifice his life to his friend although it is an animal.
Sharing loving kindness
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do everyday, both before and after daily meditation.
Dhammakaya London temple organized the pick-up robes ceremony
Dhammakaya London temple organized the pick-up robes ceremony to be the fund for building the temple.
Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
The Hair Cutting And Shaving Ceremonies
The Hair Cutting & Shaving Ceremonies of the Nationwide Rain Retreat Mass Ordination Program 2013
What are the correct ways to spend our earnings?
I know of some people who always say they’re short on money at the end of the every month even though they get paid well each month. I would like to ask Luang Phaw to recommend the correct way to spend their earnings.